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Rules for the Unruly

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Simon and Schuster, 2001

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Marion Winik, Rules for the Unruly

Rules for the Unruly is a distillation of surprising life wisdom from National Public Radio commentator and writer Marion Winik—a woman who has seen it all, done it all, and would never exchange her experiences for the security of a traditional life.

Winik's amusing tales of outrageous mistakes, haunting uncertainty, and the never-ending struggle to stay true to her heart strike a powerful chord with creative, impassioned, independent-minded free spirits who know they're different—and want to stay that way.

Seven Rules for the Unruly:
∼ The path is not straight
∼ Mistakes need not be fatal
∼ People are more important than achievements or possessions
∼ Be gentle with your parents
∼ Never stop doing what you care about most
∼ Learn to use a semicolon
∼ You will find love


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